Friday, December 21, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Home Remedy Treatment for Acne

Home Remedy Treatment for Acne

Acne is a disorder of the skin. This disorder causes to skin to have blackheads or whiteheads, pimples or zits, cysts, and lesions. This is a disorder seen mostly in teens and young adults. This shows up in the face, neck, back and chest of the teens and young adults.

People go for home made acne treatment depending upon the extent of damage the acne causes in an individual. The need for home made acne treatment arises to reduce or eliminate the outbreak of acne and to prevent scarring in the skin due to severe acne. Using benzoyl peroxide lotions in home made acne treatment helps in effective cure and prevention of new outbreaks of acne. Most of the people in USA and around the world have been affected by acne at some point in their life.

For severe acne oral medicines are also prescribed. Use of oral medicines help in home made acne treatment, for easy and quick cure of acne.Home remedies are best remedies to cure acne. Some of the home remedies to cure acne are orange, garlic, and cucumber. Peel of orange paste applied on the affected area helps to cure pimple. Paste of fenugreek helps to cure pimples.

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking at least 1 liter of water daily is also one of the home remedies to cure acne. Home remedies to cure acne have no side affects if your not having any allergic to certain fruits and vegetables.

Natural treatment and allopathic treatment are both available for acne treatment. The allopathic treatment for acne includes across-the-counter products which are prescribed to be used for 4 to 6 weeks. Turmeric is one of the home remedies to cure acne, which is an anti bacterial herb. In olden days, turmeric was used by every one, because it has lots of medicinal value. Japanese scientist found that rooibos tea helps to cure acne, which is also one of the home remedies to cure acne.

Busting Acne Myths Requires Individualized Treatment and Mor

Busting Acne Myths Requires Individualized Treatment and Mor

If you have acne, you know the deal- everybody has a cream or suggestion to help you get clear skin. But how do you separate myth, medicine and folklore to find an acne treatment that works for you?

That's what researcher Parker Magin set out to do in a study entitled, A systematic review of the evidence for 'myths and misconceptions' in acne management.Magin and co-researchers from the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, conclude that clinicians cannot be "didactic" when making acne treatment recommendations that are based on diet, hygiene and sunlight exposure.

According to Magin, acne treatments should be individualized. Meanwhile, the Academy of Dermatology has published a press release touting, The Stubborn Truth About Acne: Myths and Misconceptions. Though this article discusses a recent Stanford University survey that examined acne myths held among young adults, it offers no solid advice for securing an acne antidote.

Moreover, its meaning is paradoxical. For example, the article headlines Alexa Boer Kimball, M.D. who is an assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard University. Dr. Kimballs sums up the survey on acne by saying "that substantial differences still exist between popular belief and scientific support, yet this does not change the way patients attempt to care for their acne.

"Dr. Kimballs's comments at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology casts a discrediting shadow over her groundbreaking research that aimed to separate acne fact from fiction. Just two years ago in 2003, Dr. Kimball was apart of a Stanford University study investigating the effect of stress on acne. Then, Dr. Kimball concluded that, "increased acne severity was significantly associated with increased stress levels. while self-assessed change in diet quality was the only other significant association." The results of this study suggested that the link between acne, and diet and stress are no longer hypothetical but warrant further examination.Another investigation aiming to demystify acne came for Dr. Loren Cordain. Cordain and his associates explored the link between diet and acne in a study called Acne Vulgaris: A Disease of Western Civilization. Cordain noted that Kitavan Islanders of Papua New Guinea and the Aché hunter-gatherers of Paraguay had no active cases of acne. This prompted the question, "So why does acne vulgaris affect 79% to 95% of the adolescent population in westernized societies?" Cordain found that genes alone do not cause the disparity of acne incidences between non-westernized and modernized societies. Other factors must enter the equation. Acne can arise from hormonal shifts, stress upheavals and a host of other causes. Your best defense against acne is observing yourself and noting what conditions, foods and emotions aggravate your acne situation. From there, you can use self-care to reduce acne flare-ups.

How Can My Baby Have Baby Acne, He's Not That Old?

How Can My Baby Have Baby Acne, He's Not That Old?

Acne is a condition only affecting teenagers, true?

False. Acne is a condition which can affect people of any age, hence baby acne and adult acne are common. However acne is more common in teens. Acne is the number one skin problem in the world and affects huge numbers of people worldwide. And baby acne, although not common, can be a cause of some angst amongst parents.

What is baby acne?

Acne is not totally understood, including baby acne. The cause of acne is not agreed on amongst the scientists. However the general consensus is that acne, including baby acne, is a condition caused by changes in the body's hormones. And when are the body's hormones changing? Well certainly in the teenage years. But also at some other times in life.

Like birth.

When a baby has been separated from it's mothers body by birth and it is living on it's own for the very first time. And when it is also getting some supplies of hormones from it's mothers milk at the same time.Baby acne can occur in very young babies of 2 or 3 weeks, more commonly boys, up until around 6 months or so. It appears on various parts of the baby's body such as the forehead, cheeks and chin, or more rarely the bottom or back, and appears as small white spots on the skin. Or it could look like a red rash with raised bumps.The good news is that baby acne is not serious and very rarely requires any treatment, so refrain from rushing out looking to buy baby acne remedies.

In fact you should refrain from any baby acne remedies until you have seen your doctor and usually your doctor will not prescribe any medication at all.Baby acne usually goes away by itself. It is sufficient in most cases to do some gentle facial cleansing once or at most twice a day using a mild baby cleanser and clean water.

Do not scrub baby's face, this will not help and may be counterproductive. Don't apply lotions or potions or oils. Don't look for fancy baby acne remedies, don't try applying vinegar solution for baby acne as some do.It will all go away in time. When attending one of your regular baby check ups ask them about it. Chances they will tell you it's just baby acne, don't worry about it.

Hormone Therapy for Women with Acne

Hormone Therapy for Women with Acne

More frequently women are combating acne and wrinkles simultaneously. It's a hideous fight wrought with mysterious hormone signals and an even more baffling search for a cure.Acne does not go away with age

Dr. Alan R. Shalita, who co-authored "The Effect of the Menstrual Cycle on Acne," found that contrary to the adage that, "You'll grow out of acne", premenstrual acne only seems to get worse with age. This study examined a group of 400 women ages 12 to 52. The investigators observed that 53 percent of women over age 33 experienced a higher rate of premenstrual acne than women under age 20-- who only reported a 39 percent increase in premenstrual acne.

Dermatologist Diane Thiboutot, MD, associate professor of medicine at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center , Hershey , Pa. , proposes to clarify acne treatment options for women. Dr. Thiboutot explains that control of acne is an ongoing process and that all acne treatments work by preventing new acne. While most women suffering from adult acne seek standard treatments such as topical preparations or antibiotics, 60 percent of these femmes either do not respond to standard acne treatments or build up a tolerance to frequently prescribed medications such as antibiotics.

Causes of Adult AcneIt is not yet known exactly what causes adult acne, but several dermatologist like Dr. Alan R. Shalita, link adult acne to hormone fluctuations. Acne in a woman is often linked to her menstrual cycle. Women with premenstrual acne outbreaks, such as pimples on the lower face and neck, seem to respond particularly well to treatment with medications that either reduce or block androgen production. Androgen hormones create male traits in women such as a deepening of the voice, an increased libido or hirsutism that causes excessive or abnormal growth of hair. They also stimulate the oil glands. The oil mixes with skin cells and bacteria, causing inflammation in the skin that can result in the arrival of zits.

What to Know Before Your Begin Hormone Therapy for AcnePolycystic Ovary SyndromeBefore you begin a hormone treatment for acne, you should confirm that you are not suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, worldwide, about 15% of the women of reproductive age have PCOS. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal imbalanced characterized by irregular menstruation, obesity, infertility, acne and hair growth on the face, chest, and back (hirsutism). Like acne, PCOS is caused by an imbalance in androgen hormones. Dermatologists should work closely with your gynecologist to reduce the risks of infertility, cardiovascular disease and insulin-resistant diabetes.

Before your dermatologist prescribes hormone therapy, she may perform a standard screening that includes two hormones - testosterone and DHEAS (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate). It is important that you stop taking oral contraceptives for at least one month before any tests are performed because birth control pills can suppress androgens.Acne Hormone Treatment OptionsDr. Diane Berson, MD, a clinical Assistant Professor at the Department of Dermatology, New York University , New York states that once a woman is diagnosed with hormonal acne, treatment options include oral contraceptive pills, corticosteroids and spironolactone. These treatments act by decreasing sebum production.Oral Contraceptive PillThe oral contraceptive pill, OCP, is the keystone of hormonal therapy. The OCPs most successfully employed in controlling acne contain a hormone called progestin, which has low androgenic activity, combined with 35 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol, an estrogen. You can find generic forms of this pill under names such as norgestimate or desogestrel.Oral CorticosteroidsOral corticosteroids, such as prednisone and dexamethasone may help improve acne by decreasing androgen production in the adrenal gland.Oral SpironolactoneOral spironolactone is a steroidal antiandrogen that prevents excessive oil production by blocking androgen receptors.

Additionally, spironolactone decreases androgen production in both the ovaries and adrenal glands, resulting in fewer acne flare-ups. Doctors usually prescribe oral contraceptives with spironolactone to reduce spironolactone's side effects of breast tenderness and menstrual irregularities.Risk Factors with Hormone TherapyDr. Thiboutot counsels, "As with any therapy, there are risks and rewards. The risks of hormonal therapy require regular breast and pelvic exams to guard against the increased risk of certain types of cancers. It is vitally important that dermatologists work with the patient's gynecologist to determine the most appropriate treatment and follow-up especially in women over the age of 40 or those who might be smokers".

Acne Control The Natural Way!

Acne Control The Natural Way!

Want to get rid of those zits in your face but you are currently low on budget? How about looking for acne control to avoid the sudden appearance of acne in your skin? So how do we do this?

First, what is acne?

Acne is a skin disorder caused by the hormones action on the oil glands of the skin which is called the sebaceous glands. The excretion of oils from this glands can lead to congested skin pores. This is when acne occurs. The face, neck, chest, back and shoulders is where the glands are most profuse, that is why most acne are found on this locations. People who are with this kind of disorder often tends to be depressed, and humiliated.There are a lot of factors that can generate acne to transpire.

First is our Genes.

Genetics can't be changed but other factors like our daily routine and the way we take care of our skin can be improved to make acne control no problem at all. Don't feel so sad about your acne because there's lots of things you can do. This acne control tips will help you say bye-bye to those zits.

1. Include Fruits and Vegetables in your daily Diet.

A healthy diet consists of at least four to five servings of fruits and vegetables. Acne control will be a lot easier if you start including this in your daily habit.

2. Rose water can be used as a facial cleanser. Dipped in a cotton, clean your face using this everyday for at least two to three times each day.

3. Don't wait for your pimples to form. If you see a bit of it in your face, do something. Acne control is best done early. Pat some ice on the affected area for this will make it less swollen.

4. Acne control is easier when accompanied with multivitamins. Start taking vitamins that contains zinc supplement. Zinc helps in making your skin stronger and acne resistant.

5. Cucumber can help in acne control. Blend it with some water to form a mask. Put it in your face and leave it for about half an hour before rinsing it off. This is a good and affordable acne control remedy that can also refresh your skin.

6. Use only mild soaps and avoid soaps that contains petroleum based products and animal based ingredient for this causes your skin to get dry and irritated.

7. Using alcohol free facial cleansers makes Acne control trouble-free. Alcohol tends to dry your skin more.

8. Makeup also prompt the occurrence of acne. Choose your makeup wisely. Most of the makeup available contains petroleum based ingredients that makes skin dry. An all natural makeup helps acne control become more effortless.

9. Lastly, Drinking loads of water is very important. It flushes out the dirt in our body, Making acne control more natural.

Now you have a list of some helpful tips in acne control. It is your choice if you are to do these methods. There are lots of ways in acne control, be it naturally or by technology. Skin products are always around for you to pick your choice. The thing is, these products are very costly. If you are the innovative type of person, better try this methods in acne control. It is all natural and wont do any harm in your body. No side effects of course! Plus, you can really save a bunch out of this. There's no harm in trying! Saying goodbye to those acne is just a step away!